kate's training log

Friday, September 28, 2007

getting serious. maybe

2 miles on the treadmill at jefferson today. phil is very inspiring and is still pushing me towards trying for the half, even though it's only in a month and a half and i have NO running base right now. which is why i only did another 2 miles. felt like i did 5. but unless both the treadmill and my watch are wrong...
must keep telling myself that if i keep running, it will get easier. and faster.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ran a bit with katie, for this route of just over 2 miles. but walked for a total of 3.5 ish! felt a bit tight/sore in the buns and hammy's from yesterday (the squats and lunges i blame), but somehow felt better running. maybe it was having a partner, maybe my new inhaler just works better than the few years old other one, maybe running on flatter ground helped. any way about it, i felt so much better. the goal is to possibly make it 3 in a row and run again tomorrow. we shall see! probably depends on how my day goes at dupont tomorrow!

b/c brian still wants me to

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

just breathe

despite the greatest of my intentions when i came to delaware to train for the half marathon that is run during the philly marathon. it was phil's idea and while it was a long shot, and i certainly wouldn't be running fast at all, i thought it was doable. today convinced me otherwise (if i didn't already need that). ran for maybe 5 -10 minutes to the drug store, up some hills, and the asthma was a roaring beast. or tightness. or whatever. so i came back here and did a workout on tv, which i know to be tough, but i just sucked. not sure how i got here and am disappointed in myself for being so out of shape. i guess all i can do is to continue to make a better effort - to get out of the house, even if it's by myself. just do it!
in other news...becky i think it's a great goal for you to do the half! and i will definitely be there to cheer you on if you do it! what an exciting goal :)

Monday, September 03, 2007

went out for a short one before heading home for the afternoon. did about 2 miles out south street and back down walnut, feeling better each time! progress!
