kate's training log

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

21.5 minutes. even half minutes count.

Friday, October 02, 2009

getting better. 27 minutes out to butler park and back...
chilly weather is for good running. and good stress relieving...

Sunday, September 27, 2009


did a half hour of brian's P90x yoga routine. quickly realized that i am desparately out of yoga shape. i honestly thought that i was a wimp before the wedding b/c my only form of exercise was yoga 1 or 2 times a week. now i realize how much i was really rocking it and how much i've lost. but that's ok, b/c i'm determined to get it back. maybe not just yoga, but overall fitness. i don't mind mixing it up this time around. so anyway, yeah, half hour of yoga logged in!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

3 in 1 week!!

Didn't feel like it, but got out there. 26 minutes. Felt faster, though i doubt i actually was... ok maybe i was a bit :) it's really starting to feel like fall, in every which way. felt that cold sweat on my arms as i was running - it was glorious!
anyway, decided on my run that i am determined to do it all. learn radiology like a champ - organize the fundraiser for becky and greg - run - be a good wife.
next up on my list? learn to cook - and like it. but i have a feeling i wont' get around to attempt that feat for a good while. sorry pan :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

took a 26 minute jaunt around the neighborhood without walking. that means there were some inclines, which i managed to master...and 1 hill...x2!! gotta keep going on a schedule, it's so much nicer to be good at running than for it to be painful and need to stop every couple of minutes to catch your breath or stretch out that cramp.

slow but sure

Sunday, September 20, 2009

sigh. gotta get that.

taking too much time between runs. working out in between, but yoga on tv doesn't seem to help. still, total of about 21 minutes today. so gorgeous out. want to sign up for something to help motivate me more, but with the weather turning, i think it might have to wait til spring. and i'll have to find a way to keep active once it's truly cold here. i might be too much of a wimp to go running in the cold when it's dark out!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

and i really really do.

went out for a 21 min spin after a week of atrophy on the chair at work, couch, and bed, secondary to a wicked case of the sniffles. it's fun to run in the drizzles...brought back a lot of memories.
i've come to terms with the fact that i probably won't ever be as fast i was back in high school or 2nd year of med school, mostly secondary to weight. but then i realized, it's because i'm happy. and that's ok by me.